Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why We located our Used Auto Parts Business in St Paul, Mn.

Why We located our Used Auto Parts Business in St Paul, Mn.


Used Auto Parts St Paul | Used Auto Parts Minneapolis |   Used Transmissions Mn | Used Engines Mn | Used Motors MnPeople are asking me why we located our business in St Paul? The answer is easy. The Twin Cities needed a reliable resource for used auto parts. The fact that the only other businesses like us are located way outside the loop. That means if you need a bumper, or a starter or a fuel tank and you were in west St Paul, you would have to drive all the way to Blaine or Spring Lake Park for the part. Now you just have to cross Hwy 94 and head up Rice Street a bit to find those same parts.

We are often always asked why  a U Pull it parts lot?
That answer is also easy savings. If we have to employee a bunch of guys to pull parts inventory the parts clean em up and stock them our labor costs go thru the roof. If we can source quality vehicles test the important parts like transmissions and engines as best we can then we can keep our costs down and pass the savings on to the customers!!

We also get asked if we can pull a part.
Yes that service is available also. We can still keep your costs down and get you the part you need by having one of our qualified techs suite up and yank the parts you need. We are still saving the customer money because we don't need a bunch of guys waiting around to be asked to do something.

Lastly we have been asked by auto repair shops if we can pull the part and deliver it to them.
We saw an opportunity here. To be able to reach out to the Auto Repair community, take the call pull the part and deliver it as quickly as possible. This is a newer service we are in the process of launching. We are very excited to get the word out on this service.

If you have a used auto part need and want to pull it yourself or maybe you need it pulled or delivered you can give us a call at Atlas U Pull. 

Atlas U Pull
228 W Sycamore St.
St Paul, Mn 55117

Used Auto Parts St Paul | Used Auto Parts Minneapolis
Used Transmissions Mn | Used Engines Mn | Used Motors Mn

Monday, January 5, 2015

Cold weather takes a toll on Used Auto Parts

Cold weather can take a toll on Used Auto Parts

Used Auto Parts | Used Auto Parts Mn | Used Auto Parts Saint Paul | Used Auto Parts Minneapolis | Used Auto Parts Twin Cities | Used Engines | Used Transmissions
Best used auto parts

Here we are in the first month of the new year and in MN anyway we are experiencing a deep freeze. Cold can take an serious toll on auto parts whether you are driving a newer or older car. Cold weather does not care what type of vehicle you are driving. 

Some advances like fuel injection have made a huge difference. Remember having to plug in your car at night or heating up your oil pan just to get to work in the morning? Hopefully you or your loved ones never have to go to those extremes any time soon but the reality is certain auto parts have a tendency to go bad in this type of weather.

Starters have a lot of stress applied to them trying to turn over an engine that has thick heavy oil in it. Try to remember before the cold weather sets in to use a lighter weight oil. You may want to go in for an oil change before the cold hits. If you have not done that at least get in their soon and tell the technician you want a thinner oil to make cold winter starts a little easier.

Although it is tough n the winter actually summer can be harder on batteries. The combination of the two can be devastating. If your car is turning over a little slower on a cold day it may be that your battery is not holding the same CHARGE as it used to. That is how much energy is stored in the battery and available to turn your engine when you hit the key.
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As you can imagine cold steel is more rigid in the extreme cold. Now it may not be the actual temp that causes shocks and suspension parts to break the road conditions will take their toll as your car goes dipping and diving into potholes and cracks created when moisture begins to expand due to freezing. On good pothole or highway crack can snap a shock or suspension part in an instant.

Fuel Lines and Tank
This is controversial but may be an issue none the less. According to most sources the types of fuel we put in our cars now a days is less prone to freezing. This may be the case but if you are the type that always runs your tank on empty you still run the risk of excess moisture building up inside your fuel tank. A product such as Heet is a good one to carry in the trunk of your car. This can just be poured into the fuel tank upon filling and this removes moisture from the tank and fuel lines.

If you have a need for used auto parts to replace broken parts on your vehicle contact Atlas U Pull
Saint Paul Mn's only U Pull It used Car Parts lot.

Atlas U Pull
228 West Sycamore St
Saint Paul, Mn 55117

Used Auto Parts | Used Auto Parts Mn | Used Auto Parts Saint Paul | Used Auto Parts Minneapolis | Used Auto Parts Twin Cities | Used Engines | Used Transmissions