Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Buying Used Car Parts, Good for the Environment

How does my buying used car parts make me environmentally responsible?

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  • Raw materials and oil are needed to manufacture finished goods such as new auto parts.  Studies have shown that purchasing used auto parts saves 85+ million barrels of oil annually, that would have been used to make new or replacement parts.
  • Choosing used auto parts also prevents reusable materials from going to Landfills everything we can keep out of landfills makes for a better future.
  • Auto Recyclers provide enough steel to produce almost 13 million new vehicles.  That means fewer raw materials will need to be dug up from the earth.
    Used Car Parts | Used Car Parts Minneapolis | Used Car Parts St Paul | Used car Parts Twin Cities
    Auto Recyclers process about 10 million vehicles per year recovering:
    • 11 million tons of steel
    • 800,000 tons of non ferrous metals (Alum, Copper, Zinc & lead)
    • From 2006 – 2010 2,965,043 mercury switches have been collected by Auto Recyclers.  Mercury affects the brain and nervous system.   Small children and pregnant women are very vulnerable to mercury in the environment.  Removing and recycling mercury switches from vehicles before they are crushed and processed prevents the mercury from being released into the environment and contaminating water supplies.
    • Automotive Recycling is the most efficient kind of recycling around
      • 75% of a car is recycled (steel, alum, plastic, others

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